We’re eight weeks into the Fall semester, which means you’ve got some big choices to make. If you’re a first-year student, it’s time to get serious about choosing a major. Sophomores and Juniors: you should be looking for a summer internship. And seniors? You need […]
Tag: internship
Triple Down on What You’re Good At
I’m a magpie. I realize the reference is dated, but it fits perfectly. I’m a magpie. I see shiny things, I get excited, and I go after them. I don’t mean shiny things like fancy cars or watches or anything material at all. I mean […]
Coming Soon. The Intentional Academy: VLOG
ave you ever had a ‘life changing’ experience? Maybe it was a religious retreat. Or a summer camp. Or a medical crisis. Maybe you experienced a disaster. In the blink of an eye, you know you’ll never be the same. Your life changes in the […]
Coming Soon. The Intentional Academy: Stories.
Have you ever been completely lost during class? You’re in the room. You’re listening. But you find yourself just sitting there with no idea what the professor is talking about. Do you raise your hand and ask for help? Usually, the answer is “no.” Why […]
Coming Soon: The Intentional Academy. Reimagined.
The number one request I get from my students is to show more examples in class. I get caught up in talking about theories – because they make sense to me. The reason they make sense? I’ve seen countless examples and then applied the concepts […]
Where are we going? (Part 1: Time)
This week, my goal is to answer two important questions: “What is the Intentional Academy?” and “Who is it for?” I answered the “Who” question Monday and Tuesday, go take a look. I suppose if you’re still here, then the final answer to the “Who” […]
Brainstorming an Intentional Learner’s Manifesto
I am an Intentional Learner. I see a gap between what I learn in school and what I need to succeed. I don’t wait for the system to fix itself, I leverage its strengths and overcome its weaknesses. I believe that my life is my […]
Why I love my morning routine
Yesterday I shared about the value of taking time regularly to reflect and set up the systems that will cause you to succeed. I do this twice a year, before the start of the Fall and Spring semesters. These prep weeks are crucial: they give […]
A Myth About College that’s Limiting Your Success
My free online course, Intentional 101, starts one week from today! If you haven’t signed up, it’s not too late. Registration closes Sunday, August 20. Come join us as we learn about time management, personal finance, and launching your dream career. Intentional 101 starts by […]
Growth Mindset
A big mistake we make in a job interview: trying to convince them that we know it all. Much more impressive is the ability to recognize where you currently stand, and where you need to grow. Here’s a hint: you’re never done learning. .Just 9 […]