Yesterday I shared that we’re in a special time at the Intentional Academy. We’re on a quest to answer two questions: “What is the Intentional Academy?” and “Who is it for?” There’s an educational principle called backward design. As common sense as it sounds, the […]
Tag: debt
Brainstorming an Intentional Learner’s Manifesto
I am an Intentional Learner. I see a gap between what I learn in school and what I need to succeed. I don’t wait for the system to fix itself, I leverage its strengths and overcome its weaknesses. I believe that my life is my […]
In the Black
In the black. Today, for the first time in our lives (that’s my wife and I), our net worth is a positive number! What does that mean? It means that if you took everything of value that we own (a car, a retirement fund, the […]
The shortcut to Loser-ville
Last week I talked about cars, and how to own one without damaging your future. I received several responses that sounded like: “I deserve to drive a nice car. I work hard.” I hate to break it to you, but working hard doesn’t grant you […]
How FutureRich people buy cars
I’ve been ranting about cars this week. Wednesday I talked about how much a car payment actually costs you over your life. Hint: it’s millions of dollars. Yesterday I pointed out how cars lose much of their value in the first two years. Today I […]
Should I buy a brand new car?
Yesterday I showed how an average new car, bought on payments, costs you between $100,000 and $200,000 over your life. You should always pay cash, rather than going into debt. But if you have the cash, should you buy brand new? Buying brand-new cars is […]
How much does an average new car cost? The answer will shock you.
How much does a new car cost? Let’s do an experiment to find out. Grab a partner and take a drive to that stretch of road in your town where all of the car dealers seem to have agreed to open shop. As you drive […]
Best Practices: Budgeting
My free online course, Intentional 101, starts in just 13 days. If you haven’t signed up, it’s not too late. Registration closes Sunday, August 20. Come join us as we learn about time management, personal finance, and launching your dream career. A recent study found […]
Almost Worthless (or how I completely changed my finances in 2 short years)
-$555. My household net worth (what we own minus we owe) is negative five hundred fifty five dollars today. 2 years ago this month it was about -$100,000. Not a bad turn around!