What comes to your mind when you hear the word, “generosity”? Giving money to a person in need? Maybe a donation to a ministry or a nonprofit? Giving a hungry person some food? Is there more to generosity than pity, than seeing someone as worse […]
Category: Manage Your Time
After trying every app, I use a piece of paper for my todo list
As I wrap up my prep week, I double check that my four systems are in place that keep me productive, low-stress, and balanced. So far we’ve talked about three of them – my morning routine, my time budget, and my Ideal Week schedule. The […]
My Ideal Week: Schedule things that actually matter
During prep week I get four systems in place to help me win all semester. We already talked about the first two. My morning routine lets me start each morning with meaning and calm. My time budget gives the right amount of time to each […]
You get to decide how long it takes
“I didn’t have time.” “I ran out of time.” We’ve all heard these complaints. We’ve all made these complaints. The problem with these complaints is the attitude behind them: that we’re victims of a clock, or somehow the responsibility lies outside of ourselves. It’s a […]
Why I love my morning routine
Yesterday I shared about the value of taking time regularly to reflect and set up the systems that will cause you to succeed. I do this twice a year, before the start of the Fall and Spring semesters. These prep weeks are crucial: they give […]
Prep Week
Today is my first day back to work as a university professor after a 7 week break. I spent that time on a road trip, visiting friends and family (and doing a little rock climbing). Now I have 1 week until classes start. This week […]
A Myth About College that’s Limiting Your Success
My free online course, Intentional 101, starts one week from today! If you haven’t signed up, it’s not too late. Registration closes Sunday, August 20. Come join us as we learn about time management, personal finance, and launching your dream career. Intentional 101 starts by […]
What’s worse than dropping out?
My free online course, Intentional 101, starts just two weeks from tomorrow. If you haven’t signed up, it’s not too late. Registration closes Sunday, August 20. Come join us as we learn about time management, personal finance, and launching your dream career. There’s a problem […]
Independence Day
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. This week we’re celebrating the act of 56 people who […]
Put the “Higher” Back in “Higher Education”
A 62-year old is laid off after an entire career with the same company. As part of his severance he is given modern job search training. The biggest piece of advice? “Find the keywords that the prospective employer is looking for and type them in […]