You may recall my post from a few weeks ago that talked about changing your goal: define success as learning and you can always succeed. In rock climber jargon, “If I send, I send. My goal is to learn to climb better.” *“sending” means completing […]
Category: Launch Your Career
The shortcut to Loser-ville
Last week I talked about cars, and how to own one without damaging your future. I received several responses that sounded like: “I deserve to drive a nice car. I work hard.” I hate to break it to you, but working hard doesn’t grant you […]
A Generous Life
What comes to your mind when you hear the word, “generosity”? Giving money to a person in need? Maybe a donation to a ministry or a nonprofit? Giving a hungry person some food? Is there more to generosity than pity, than seeing someone as worse […]
Two lessons from a haircut
I finally did it. After two years of experimenting with growing my hair and beard longer, I cut them back to my original look. Here are the two lessons I learned. (1) You can’t live your life according to people’s expectations. Two years ago, I […]
A Myth About College that’s Limiting Your Success
My free online course, Intentional 101, starts one week from today! If you haven’t signed up, it’s not too late. Registration closes Sunday, August 20. Come join us as we learn about time management, personal finance, and launching your dream career. Intentional 101 starts by […]
Growth Mindset
A big mistake we make in a job interview: trying to convince them that we know it all. Much more impressive is the ability to recognize where you currently stand, and where you need to grow. Here’s a hint: you’re never done learning. .Just 9 […]
The Vicious Circle of Experience
My free online course, Intentional 101, starts in just 12 days. If you haven’t signed up, it’s not too late. Registration closes Sunday, August 20. Come join us as we learn about time management, personal finance, and launching your dream career. If you’ve searched for […]
What’s worse than dropping out?
My free online course, Intentional 101, starts just two weeks from tomorrow. If you haven’t signed up, it’s not too late. Registration closes Sunday, August 20. Come join us as we learn about time management, personal finance, and launching your dream career. There’s a problem […]
Do Your Research
Why are so many college graduates underemployed and underpaid?
Great Expectations
A few statistics on getting paid: