One of the largest differences between film and live theater is how a scene is set. Whether you’re reading Shakespeare or watching a ballet, the performance includes notes for the audience that give information about the time period, back story, characters, and plot right up […]
Author: Tony
A Life Worth Sharing
love a good story. Whether it’s a movie, novel, comic book, tv show, or documentary, I’m always looking for an opportunity to be transported to another time or place; a chance to get inspired by the things compelling characters do. We all have that list […]
Q&A: A couple questions about preparing for exams
Stay up late studying or sleep and get well-rested? Get some sleep. The big issue is that most people aren’t actually studying when they are preparing for a test. They’re learning the material for the first time. Studying is just refreshing ideas you’ve already grappled […]
It’s April 25. Here’s How to Land a Summer Internship.
No. It is not too late. Now that we’ve settled that, you might be wondering what you can do at this point. Read on, and I’ll tell you how I went from 100 online applications and zero phone calls to 25 applications and 25 phone calls […]
What’s the best way to pay off student loans? Q&A
Hi professor, Congrats on your debt free journey!! That must be great feelings to have. I’m curious about what’s your method to pay off the debts. We have student loans and credit card debts (no car loans thank god). I want to pay off our […]
Midterm Rehab Secret 9: Your Time, Money, and Career are Linked
“It’ll be better when I’m done.” This was my mantra during grad school. Every time I was stuck at the lab until midnight. Every time I had trouble paying the bills. Every time I watched a friend in “the real world” get promoted. I had […]
Midterm Rehab Secret 8: You Can Control an Irregular Income
I was terrible with money for most of my college career. One of the excuses I made for myself was that I didn’t have a regular income. How could I be expected to stick to a plan when my paychecks varied dramatically month to month? […]
Midterm Rehab Secret 7: You’re not Too Busy to Build Your Career and Network as a Student
The worst time to dig a well is when you realize you’re thirsty. As a student, I hated networking. Hated it! I realize now that I had two issues: I was trying to fit their mold. I felt that I had to be manipulative. Both […]
Midterm Rehab Secret 6: It Takes More than Good Grades to Start Your Career
We develop two types of skills: Technical and Professional. Technical skills are those required to do a job. They’re how a person turns raw input into the output that their customer wants. Journalists turn events into stories. Engineers turn requirements into specifications. Poets turn words […]
Midterm Rehab Secret 5: You Can’t Afford to Wait to Make a Plan
I want to help students live their lives on purpose, by getting control of their time, money, and careers. I want to help them live good stories. Why? Because I faced crises in each of these areas and found no one who could help. There’s […]