This is my first post in quite some time. I paused to launch a new project, The Intentional Academy Podcast. I hope you’ll check it out. I intend to resume writing here on a regular basis, but I’ll be honest that I haven’t worked out […]
Author: Tony
Hey there! I am so excited to tell you that I am working on some big things! I’m almost ready to share the details, but not quite! In the meanwhile, the finishing touches on these two major projects are consuming all of my attention. I’ll […]
Everyone Around Me is Better than I Am
A couple weeks ago I managed to successfully climb the hardest route I’ve ever completed without falling since I started rock climbing. It’s rated 5.11b, and I spent four different days over a two-month period practicing it before I finally succeeded. During that time, I […]
Paying Attention to the Things That Matter Most to You
Today I’d like to share an insecurity I’ve had that came to a tipping point yesterday – and how I discovered that I was worrying unnecessarily. It started last Thursday at work. In an effort to be proactive, I notified a colleague about an external […]
The Process, Not the Result
“I want to be a millionaire.” “I want to get all A’s this semester,” “I want to lose ten pounds.” We love to set goals for ourselves, dreaming of what life would be like if we just accomplished that next thing. I’m a “big goal” […]
The Small Stuff
“What do you want to do with your life?” I think this (or some version of it) might be the most often-asked question that college students get. Whether you’re meeting a new peer, sitting around the table at a family event, or in a job […]
A 20.4 Billion Mile Journey
I noticed something this week: when we count up, numbers seem bigger than when we count down. Today is my 35th birthday. Since I’ve only ever been younger than 35, it has always sounded “old.” I start doing math such as “I’m halfway to 70.” […]
When the World is Out to Get You
We spend a lot of time wishing things were different than they are. I had a bad day on Sunday (I’m thankful that they are few and far between). We had plans to meet a friend for rock climbing. I spent most of the week […]
Are We There Yet?
I taught my first course as a graduate student, during my fifth year in grad school. One thing my advisor was always really great at was making sure his students were funded with research money. However, we ran into a 1-semester gap between contracts that […]
Confessions of a Recovering Workaholic
One of the most interesting transitions I went through while I was a college student for over a decade involves the way I approach work. When I was starting out, I struggled to find the motivation to do the work – schoolwork, and even research […]