We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. This week we’re celebrating the act of 56 people who […]
Author: Tony
Put the “Higher” Back in “Higher Education”
A 62-year old is laid off after an entire career with the same company. As part of his severance he is given modern job search training. The biggest piece of advice? “Find the keywords that the prospective employer is looking for and type them in […]
Three Attitude Adjustments That Will Guarantee You An Interview
100 applications. Not a single call. What more could I do? My resume was filled with academic and professional achievements. I couldn’t imagine a single way to improve as a candidate. That’s when it hit me: maybe the problem has nothing to do with my […]
Universities Teach Bad Time Management
Universities unintentionally teach bad time management skills. It’s no wonder students struggle with staying on top of things. If you’re having a hard time you need to know two things:
The two least popular ideas on campus, and why you need to be obsessed with them
Time management and budgeting. If those words make you want to move on from this post, then DON’T. You need this. If you’re not obsessed with maximizing your time and money, then you may be settling for a mediocre life. Time Management. Budgeting. Probably the […]
Nice Guys Finish First
The old saying is nonsense. The number one absolute most important thing to do is: Be Nice! Need more? Read on my friend…
The Key to Reclaiming Control of Your Time and Money
Every single time management book sets you up to fail. Why? They put you in the role of reactionary. Sure they try and sell you on their system for organizing and getting in control and saying “yes” to the most important things. But all of […]
What are you going to do with that!?
Here’s a secret. People with engineering degrees don’t necessarily make more than people with art degrees. Ok. Maybe the averages speak differently. We certainly perceive engineers and scientists as high-earners. Meanwhile we perpetuate the “starving artist” stereotype. But the reason that the average engineering major […]
What’s Intentional Learning? Why is it Key to My Success?
The most common word floating around on this site: Intentionality. What is it, and who is it for? Intentionality is (1) seeing things for what they are and (2) using things for what they’re worth.
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