These are the destinations I arrive at every time I actually achieve something. It often happens subconsciously, nonlinearly, but I am certain that we always stop by these four waypoints: Dream – we have a fuzzy picture in our head of something we hope will […]
Author: Tony
Measurements Aren’t Goals
I was in a conversation with my colleagues yesterday about ways to improve our college. The talk quickly shifted to focus on three key ideas: Lowering the student-to-faculty ratio Reducing class sizes Increasing research funding It struck me that these aren’t actual goals. The goal […]
The Grass is Always Greener
As the saying goes, “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.” Lately I’ve been trying to understand this aphorism. What does it really mean? We use it as a cautionary tale. “It might look like they have it better than […]
The Tools to Act
The Intentional Academy is a community of people committed to changing the way we look at our Time, Money, and Careers. We believe in hard work, but not overwork. We know that our finances reflect our quality of life, not the other way around. Our […]
My Goal in Life is to Be Average. Here’s Why.
The most important answer to the question, “What is the Intentional Academy?” is COMMUNITY. Why? Let’s ask Jim Rohn: You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Like it or not, you are part of a community. Not just […]
What is the Intentional Academy? Overview
Last week I set out to answer two questions: “What is the Intentional Academy?” and “Who is it for?”. The tricky part about answering these is that it takes deep reflection – I’ve had an idea in my head for a while. It’s been so […]
Where are we going? (Part 3: Career)
This week, my goal is to answer two important questions: “What is the Intentional Academy?” and “Who is it for?” When it comes to your career, this is where The Intentional Academy is headed: Career: The Intentional Academy is going to take you to a […]
Where are we going? (Part 2: Money)
This week, my goal is to answer two important questions: “What is the Intentional Academy?” and “Who is it for?” When it comes to money, this is where The Intentional Academy is going: Money: The Intentional Academy is going to take you to a place […]
Where are we going? (Part 1: Time)
This week, my goal is to answer two important questions: “What is the Intentional Academy?” and “Who is it for?” I answered the “Who” question Monday and Tuesday, go take a look. I suppose if you’re still here, then the final answer to the “Who” […]
Who Is the Intentional Academy For?
Yesterday I shared that we’re in a special time at the Intentional Academy. We’re on a quest to answer two questions: “What is the Intentional Academy?” and “Who is it for?” There’s an educational principle called backward design. As common sense as it sounds, the […]