We made it: it’s summer!!!!!! Here’s a season where everyone gets a chance to let off the gas a little bit and recover from the grind that the first months of every year seem to hold. I’d like to offer you a bit of advice as someone who has had more than his fair share of summers off (perks of being a professional academic).
I’ve had summers that I tried to do as little as possible: go to work, come home, veg out. I’ve had summers where I never seemed to stop moving – extra work projects, tons of trips, moving from one state to another. Neither left me feeling strong and ready for action in the fall.
So what are the ingredients for a summer filled with active- or productive-rest?
First off, we tend to neglect relationships when we get busy or overloaded. The people who matter most to us understand: we’re working for a good cause, and it won’t last forever. So we put many relationships on hold while we finish the grind.
Make a list, right now, of the people in your life that you asked to “press pause.” Go ahead, I’ll wait. Got the list? Great!
Commit to spending some quality time with these people this summer. Talk to them with nothing else on your mind. Listen to what they’ve been experiencing and refresh the mutuality of your care for each other.
By the way, there are plenty of professional relationships that you probably neglected as well. Now is your chance to take that colleague to lunch and reconnect!
You need to have fun. This isn’t a luxury, it’s a requirement if you hope to be maximally productive during the hustle season. What did you skip out on because you were “too busy for fun”? Now is your chance!
Commit to doing the things that you love, the things that give you energy. Go see that movie. Take that weekend road trip. Go hike. Cook a complicated meal. Join a summer rec sports league. Make a commitment to have some fun each day, and your psyche will grow exponentially!
We also end up putting off personal projects. Whether it’s cleaning the closet, reading a great book, or a fitness goal at the gym – we give these up in the short term hustle that usually marks the week’s coming into summer. Pick those things back up!
The temptation to binge watch seventeen new shows is strong. It’s almost too easy to get sucked into “tv projects” and wake up wondering where our week went. Do the other things first, and I promise you’ll still have lots of time for the mindless relaxation (which I think is also valuable, in moderation).
I promise this can be a great summer. You worked hard for the first part of the year, now reward yourself by entering a season of refreshment and simplification. Do a few things very well, and resist spreading yourself too thin. Commit to moving forward in these areas:
- Relationships
- Recreation
- Results
and you’ll find yourself feeling stronger, and more satisfied than ever before. Happy summer, my friend!
PS If you’d like additional motivation, tips for success, and other exclusive content that I don’t share anywhere else, you should jump on my email list! I have a number of workshops in progress about everything from time management to how to land your dream job – and I’d love to tell you when they’re available!