Use Your Ears to Unlock Your Career

I talk too much. That’s what I’ve learned these past few weeks. Maybe it’s the teacher in me, desperate to turn everything into a lecture.
You talk too much too.
How can I know that? Easy: listening is one of those things that you can never do too much of. The same cannot be said of talking.

A Quest to Understand

In the past weeks, I interviewed 16 people who represent various aspects of my ideal customer. Interviewed, not “talked with.” The experience of asking questions, listening, and asking follow up questions was a challenge for me. I wanted to respond to everything they said. Especially when they expressed a frustration that caused them pain.

I want(ed) to help!

Often, in our quests to achieve we launch into action too quickly. We create a solution to a problem we perceive. But when we don’t fully understand the issue, we create solutions to the wrong problems.
I have yet to meet someone who does the following during their job hunt:


When you network, you’re wondering how you can convince this person to give you a leg up, open an opportunity for you. When you apply to jobs, you focus on fine-tuning that cover letter and resume – to present your best self. To make yourself look as desirable as possible.

Ever go on a date with someone who talks too much?

There’s a parallel between that experience and the typical job search. Except this time, you’re the chatty one!

10 Interview Challenge:

Consider this an invitation to try something different. Find 10 people you don’t know (well) and conduct 30-minute interviews in the next two weeks. Your mission: to understand what they do, what challenges they’re working on, the biggest issues and ideas in their industry, the things that bring them joy, the things that cause the most pain.
Design a set of questions, and get asking. Resist the urge to discuss. Just. Listen. Carefully.
And let me know how it goes! What did you learn?

Bypass the Machine

If you’re tired of talking too much, if you hate the idea of spamming out dozens of job applications only to hear silence in response, if you’re ready to know more about your field of interest than everyone around you, then you’re going to love the project I’m working on. I’m developing an experience for the Intentional Academy called “Bypass the Machine.” Stay tuned.
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