We go through a couple stages when things go “differently.” At the first sign that something is awry, we cling to our expectations, and try to “fix” what’s broken. Sometimes we can actually bend the situation to our will.
More often, we live in denial that things are off until the situation escalates. Eventually the gap demands a response. The most common is to bend ourselves instead. We call it “good enough” (or give up entirely) and move on to something new.
But there’s another option. Recognize that the responses I just listed come from our own romantic ideas of what the world should be like. Instead of being distressed that the world doesn’t conform to this expectation, learn. Learn how the world really works. Learn what causes it to be this way. Learn what it would take to actually change things.
Then decide. Decide if your vision is worth the effort and sacrifice needed to make it reality. Because changing the world takes effort and sacrifice.
Above all, keep going. Failure happens when you give up, not when you mess up.