Do you remember the day that you made the mental switch from “trying to learn” to “trying to finish”? Do you remember the first time you did “grade math” to decide what you’d work on next? One small decision at a time, the goal shifted from learning to grades.
I’ve been there. I noticed it happen to me every semester. This thing that started so exciting, so full of passion and inspiration – now it’s just s grind. This week, I’m going to help you get back to “the good place.”
Here’s where it starts: realize that you cannot manage results.
You can only manage actions. Therefore, do the actions that naturally lead to the results you’re after.
The keyword is “naturally.” You can lose weight while eating ice cream and cookies every day – you’ll just have to exercise that much harder.
You can get good grades by pulling all nighters and cramming for midterms – but not naturally.
Think of a time you learned something tricky. What were the actions you performed to do that? Replicate them now.
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